How to install Todo.txt on Windows

Todo.txt is a Text-based Task Manager. It let you track your tasks and projects in a plain text file, todo.txt. A todo.txt is software and operating system agnostic; it’s searchable, portable, lightweight and easily manipulated.

I am using windows and I want to use it. But the wiki page only describe it can be installed on windows but doesn’t describe detail enough. Here is the step I take to install.

  1. Install cygwin  in d:\cygwin\
  2. Download ToDo.txt
  3. Extract the 2 files into the d:\cygwin\home\user_name\
  4. Create .todo folder under d:\cygwin\home\ (resulting path will be d:\cygwin\home\user_name\.todo\)
  5. Change one line in todo.cfg file; remove the preceding # from #export TODO_DIR ="c:/Documents and Settings/gina/My Documents" and chage to the folder where I want to keep your data resulting export TODO_DIR="D:/(todo)" and save
  6. Move the todo.cfg to d:\cygwin\home\.todo\user_name\ (resulting path will be d:\cygwin\home\user_name\.todo\todo.cfg)
  7. Rename the todo.cfg to config (no extension) (resulting path will be d:\cygwin\home\user_name\.todo\config)
  8. Run ‘Cygwin Bash Shell’
  9. Run by typing
  10. Run alias so that I can run with less typing (I now can type t instead of

If you can’t run with or want alias permanent try the arandomthinker’s tip